TWF Huntington Thanks4Giving 4 Miler  -  11/28/2024
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O'Flaherty East Coast (11 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (11 in division)
1 28:30.69 1073 Maria Blanc
2 34:21.21 1075 Ignacio Blanc
3 34:32.89 1078 Javier Ventas
4 36:36.55 1076 Maria Fernandez Cavada
5 37:29.14 1074 Maria Zoco
6 1:00:19.86 1080 Alberto Capella
7 1:04:42.96 1071 Diego Blanc Fernandez
8 1:07:14.00 1082 Alicia Capella
9 1:08:16.29 1083 Alba Capella
10 1:08:16.99 1081 Ana Belen Nuñez
11 1:08:18.60 1079 Ana Capella
Pink_For_Patty (11 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (11 in division)
1 29:00.26 1914 Regan Mcduffee
2 32:33.54 1916 Caity McDuffee
3 34:22.99 1913 Don Mcduffee
4 38:14.41 2492 Susan Carman
5 38:16.27 1818 Mark Okean
6 44:45.11 1815 Charlie Okean
7 46:29.00 2491 Juliette Carman
8 46:29.82 1817 Eloise Okean
9 59:43.29 2490 Danielle McCabe
10 59:45.01 1814 Gracie Okean
11 1:00:55.31 1816 Jennifer Okean
Action Brunson (7 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (7 in division)
1 31:43.36 2429 Patrick Fierro
2 36:13.38 571 Lauren Abbene
3 36:15.50 274 Adam Abbene
4 51:39.34 2428 Ryan Fierro
5 1:30:36.58 778 Joseph Fierro
6 1:30:39.55 512 Patrick Fierro
7 1:30:39.85 777 Mary Fierro
DoubleChunkChocolateCookies (7 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (7 in division)
1 24:16.48 1510 Brandon Fernandez
2 31:08.34 1509 Andres Fernandez
3 31:45.11 1709 Rizvan Kadirov
4 34:06.07 1512 Kaitlyn Jasinski
5 38:16.08 1708 Adil Kadirov
6 40:58.88 2485 Brooke Seebeck
7 41:02.23 2501 Eva Baudo
Gravy Train (6 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (6 in division)
1 27:23.62 957 Max Hafen
2 34:28.10 1155 Alex Hafen
3 34:30.95 1420 Caroline Waters
4 34:31.86 1026 Hallie Simkins
5 36:06.49 1359 Mary Persico
6 39:16.04 1229 Kurt Wagner
Harry your hands are freezing! (6 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (6 in division)
1 33:44.53 447 cory Kutcher
2 33:45.98 461 June Ramadhan
3 50:28.14 916 Ray Braviner
4 50:28.45 915 Shirley Braviner
5 50:28.68 914 Michael Gurtowski
6 50:30.94 913 Leah Braviner
It’s Tony’s Birthday (6 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (6 in division)
1 33:39.84 1809 Jenny Greenbaum
2 37:15.04 1422 Alexandra Emanuel
3 38:03.34 1425 Dario Morales
4 38:04.78 1424 Carolyn Morales
5 39:24.56 1808 Ankit Dhanani
6 41:51.79 1421 Anthony Emanuel
Turkeys on Fire (6 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (6 in division)
1 31:35.73 295 Christopher T Meyer
2 31:59.63 298 Kevin Meyer
3 37:22.98 294 Christopher Meyer
4 38:37.86 296 Emily Meyer
5 38:43.66 297 Maureen Meyer
6 46:40.22 333 Katie Powers
Opa's Turkeys (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (5 in division)
1 29:34.14 1451 Jack Everson
2 1:08:02.73 1453 Olivia Everson
3 1:08:03.07 1452 Lucy Everson
4 1:19:45.00 1454 Kara Everson
5 1:19:45.71 1455 Fred Brodbeck
SohrLeeHoo (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (5 in division)
1 40:21.21 815 Alison Sohr
2 40:21.44 819 Madison Lee
3 40:21.44 816 Kristen Sohr
4 41:12.40 813 Jessica SooHoo
5 41:13.44 817 Megan SooHoo
Storm (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (5 in division)
1 32:34.70 628 Robert Storm
2 33:31.90 676 Emma Storm
3 35:08.85 631 Eric Lebo
4 57:33.55 632 Meg Storm
5 57:34.43 629 Karen Storm
Team Siddiqui (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (5 in division)
1 39:15.03 452 Zakir Siddiqui
2 45:34.68 451 Faisal Siddiqui
3 54:40.10 455 Adam Siddiqui
4 54:40.33 453 Sara Siddiqui
5 56:01.06 454 Sabrina Siddiqui
Thunder Thighs (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (5 in division)
1 1:12:46.97 54 Zach Merbitz
2 1:12:48.44 51 Katie Eagar
3 1:13:01.76 50 Ron Eagar
4 1:13:02.36 52 Gerry Eagar
5 1:13:02.83 53 Ryan Eagar
8Well (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 29:24.66 1894 John Laronga
2 36:47.17 1316 Tyler Brown
3 41:39.80 2439 Brianna O’Connor
4 41:41.63 1317 Osiris Shepherd
Feast Mode (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 33:58.04 1375 Samantha Bautista
2 37:24.89 1434 Mel Bautista
3 52:18.34 1373 Jacob Leale
4 52:18.70 1374 Grace Leale
Gobble Gang (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 37:32.72 1584 Andrew Pick
2 37:34.68 1126 Arman Akhund
3 39:38.36 1612 Thomas Tiernan
4 40:02.40 1611 Meredith Rogers
Halesite Fire Department (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 32:22.69 1091 Spencer Lapp
2 32:24.27 1090 Steve Lapp
3 1:16:44.56 1092 Melissa Lapp
4 1:16:58.14 1093 Steven Lapp
Kenyon Running Club (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 22:02.86 55 Jack Kenyon
2 30:32.28 2008 Geoffrey Morton
3 34:54.25 1046 Kyle Stolba
4 36:04.26 59 Drew Kenyon
Mashed Potatoe Pacers (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 37:01.02 1175 Allison Spalding
2 37:15.71 1172 Ryan Spalding
3 43:38.11 1173 Samantha Spalding
4 45:43.81 1174 Kevin Spalding
Northport Run Club (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 26:53.13 1031 Mark Kenny
2 31:49.76 1983 Ben Walden
3 36:24.85 1161 Jeannie Hynes
4 48:07.07 68 Pamela Weess
Opa! (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 31:09.93 1414 Nicholas Karavolias
3 1:04:51.67 1802 George Karavolias
4 1:04:52.70 1803 Antonia Karavolias
Radeckis (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 35:50.51 339 pierre radecki
2 57:44.63 258 Giuseppe Tini
3 1:03:15.54 259 jessica radecki
4 1:04:45.65 260 Emily Radecki
Team Kriegstein (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 33:38.89 706 Brittany Kriegstein
2 34:53.85 709 Tom Hegeman
3 40:02.44 704 Alan Kriegstein
4 46:54.25 708 Caroline Kriegstein
Team Roduro (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 35:28.05 838 David Thuro
2 48:25.88 837 Isabella Thuro
3 1:07:35.85 836 Max Thuro
4 1:07:36.80 839 Frances Thuro
Team Turkey (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 27:03.56 1519 Sama Matnadze
2 30:12.89 1518 Gabe Matnadze
3 47:58.90 1395 Jonah Abraham
4 1:00:46.25 1394 Layna Abraham
Too Hot to Trot (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 1:05:26.44 1534 Liz Careccia
2 1:05:28.12 1993 Corey Brown
3 1:06:55.11 1539 Stacey Smalling
4 1:06:55.66 1536 Kimberly O’Toole
Turkey Lane Trotters (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 24:09.80 1 William Saffran
2 31:30.78 2006 Henry Harboe
3 40:06.13 66 Erika Saffran
4 40:07.45 2005 Sibilla Maiarelli
Turkey Troy 2k24 aka Turkey Troy 2k25 (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (4 in division)
1 42:53.21 1250 Andia Renz
2 50:13.32 1829 Colette Carman
3 51:04.52 1248 Christian Renz
4 54:03.13 1249 Kate Renz
grumpy old farts (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 32:00.03 1179 jose argueta
2 39:16.69 1180 Anderson Akly
3 50:49.38 1398 Carlos Sandoval
Havasy Family Farm (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 44:42.29 70 Holden Havasy
2 44:44.73 74 Grant Havasy
3 55:24.13 150 Jimena Grizutti
Hughes Dream Team (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 37:31.19 1945 Matthew Hughes
2 42:16.83 1943 Victoria Anne Hughes
3 43:34.59 1944 Maggie Hughes
Oshans (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 37:23.18 2404 Andrew Oshan
2 54:39.94 2403 Jaxson Oshan
3 54:41.80 2402 Christina Oshan
Schneider (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 30:13.20 1632 Jayden Schneider
2 39:16.08 1635 Maya Schneider
3 46:21.72 1633 Dara Schneider
Stuffing Sprinters (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 29:29.56 1759 Michael Chevalier
2 44:08.83 1758 Maura Prisco
3 45:25.84 1756 Lindsay DeRosa
Team Beagle (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 34:06.79 470 Danielle D'Alonzo
2 35:17.11 28 Augustino DAlonzo Jr
3 46:06.74 471 Tracy D'Alonzo
Team Krug (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 26:50.10 1262 Whitney Dawson Krug
2 32:32.46 1263 Philip Krug
3 41:53.90 1261 Patricia Krug
Team Nootzie (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 26:41.20 1034 isabella garra
2 36:00.37 1032 gregory garra
3 38:52.52 1035 gabrielle garra
Team Stephan (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 30:52.57 611 Jonathan Faraci
2 43:21.84 610 Gianna Cokinos
3 43:25.83 612 Katina Cokinos
The Tartaglia Turkeys! (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 32:39.80 133 Michael Tartaglia
2 35:10.03 2488 Stephen Tartaglia
3 36:01.50 145 Stephanie Squittieri
Turkeys of Feledy Family (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (3 in division)
1 27:04.33 1217 Bradley Palmer
2 31:22.44 1216 Nicole Feledy
3 37:37.10 14 Laszlo Feledy
50 Shades of Gravy (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 41:03.20 436 Thomas Dayton
2 42:23.74 440 Pat OMalley
Austrian Painter (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 34:59.19 1267 Brian Aparicio
2 39:08.91 1265 Brian Gambardella
Bicoastal Bipeds (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 30:03.03 696 Stuart Knightley
2 33:48.02 695 Eric Michelson
Chan (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 43:03.97 1130 Edwin Chan
2 48:25.92 1129 Yovanna Camargo
Considine Running Club (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 54:05.04 1789 Samantha Plosky
2 54:06.85 1790 Julian Tchinnis
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 41:00.11 448 Caroline Kelly
2 47:58.24 449 Nancy Kelly
Flock of Friends (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 43:28.99 1968 NINA CARTWRIGHT
2 43:30.04 305 Amanda Cartwright
Gravy Gang (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 43:10.85 1490 Cassandra Napol Napolitano
2 43:14.13 1492 Johann Braithwaite
Hotties going for trotties (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 30:14.00 1223 John Dugan
2 40:26.02 1222 Kathleen Dugan
Macco Goon Squad (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 42:30.12 98 Cooper Macco
2 42:32.90 97 Mike Macco
Mae’s Trotters (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 41:17.22 1430 Margaret Strickler
2 48:37.85 1432 Mae Baker
Nilsson Legends Club (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 32:01.94 419 Erik Nilsson
2 40:43.24 418 Andreas Nilsson
Ri Ri Durand (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 39:07.50 555 Thomas Durand
2 41:21.72 554 Marina Durand
Runners Edge (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 26:23.17 2422 Kailey Uresk
2 29:19.18 2421 Stephen Uresk
Running Millies (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 39:10.56 751 Nikki Millmann
2 39:13.03 750 Sammy Millmann
Running on Fumes (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 35:16.21 868 Mark Pace
2 36:52.71 556 Christopher Butera
Running Rabbits (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 30:36.09 211 Eddie Hollreiser
2 34:16.38 212 James McGrath
Team Kelley (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 51:55.08 553 Evelyn Kanick
2 53:30.78 552 Michael Kanick
Team Scarsella (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 31:33.69 820 Thomas Garone
2 44:06.45 821 Allan Scarsella
Team Valerie Deane's Turkeys! (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 31:46.32 627 James Zoia
2 48:27.83 549 Erin Howard
THE ITALIAN CHOOCHES (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 26:51.19 919 Mj Bianco
2 35:30.95 240 Jessica Bianco
The Stuffing Stars (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 39:29.42 1150 Maria Jaramillo
2 1:03:19.58 1152 Gabby Morales
Thick Thighs and Good Vibes (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 44:37.08 1736 Dylan DeWald
2 44:38.82 1737 Matthew Green
Tiny Turkeys (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 43:21.95 1897 sami creighton
2 43:23.17 1084 Abigail LaRegina
Trolka Trotters (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (2 in division)
1 54:25.93 760 Paul Petrylka
2 54:27.03 759 Daniel Petrylka
Trot 'Til We Drop (2 team members)
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4 Mile (2 in division)
1 37:20.44 1533 Christian Gulotta
2 37:20.92 1525 Caileigh Gulotta
Burkey Turkeys (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 38:18.19 430 Beth Greiner
Dylan’s Team (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 48:32.88 2014 Dylan Faretta
DylEmma (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 45:06.94 1874 James Cahill
Edie’s Pack (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 30:24.68 1788 Jonathan Baruccheri
First time trotters (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 1:20:43.86 401 Ivonne Vega-Porpora
Huntington Inter fc (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 28:24.32 1494 Jose Alfaro
Kurz Planning (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 53:44.39 478 Seth Kurz
Mazzarella’s (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 48:50.92 1388 Chloe Mazzarella
MonteSavatta (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 52:17.20 1169 Piper Savatta
NYDC (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 44:49.59 460 Laurie Butera
Running for Bev (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 43:23.99 2110 Wendy Frigeria
Sea Level is for Slackers (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 34:56.37 497 Emily Moriarty
Shesterkins (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 34:52.69 1629 Rhys Walter
Team Daisy (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 26:54.01 147 John Maguire
Team Turcios (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 39:35.62 2414 Megan Moran
The L's (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 33:47.10 313 Anne Lee
TheBrods (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 37:54.03 62 John Broderick
TK.Type 1 (1 team member)
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4 Mile (1 in division)
1 47:26.03 1891 Brian Mallia
Trots & Prayers (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 28:54.53 1114 George Mazzella
Turkey Boyz (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 35:20.00 2470 Miguel Herrera III
Turkey Mobbers (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 42:53.14 2046 Luke Andersen
Winchester Crew (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile (1 in division)
1 1:13:44.62 1592 Meg Mcconnell

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