< Two-Weeks To Tri 2020 Results by elitefeats
Two-Weeks To Tri  -  8/15/2020
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Miles are logged daily over two weeks. Swim, run, bike when you want. Create a team and log your miles individually. Team scoring will be for each discipline!
Total Miles 3,394.776
Bike 2,272.560   Run 1,084.537   Swim 37.679  
Place Dist. Name
(click for detail)
Bib Age Gender
1 11.140 Jack Shappy 220 36 F 1/4 06:45:08
2 5.590 Trent Hampton 229 41 M 1/6 02:49:32
3 5.000 KATHERINE PERSKY 204 63 F 2/4 02:55:40
4 4.650 Vasilis Xikis 221 36 M 2/6 03:49:05
5 4.260 Bob Koreski 218 52 M 3/6 00:41:58
6 2.449 Natalie Ford 203 59 F 3/4 02:00:04
7 1.200 Matthew Dvorozniak 223 52 M 4/6 01:07:00
8 1.180 Morgan Farra 227 28 F 4/4 00:43:27
9 1.180 William Miller 222 35 M 5/6 00:44:47
10 1.030 Tom Farra 225 53 M 6/6 00:55:13
- 0.000 Chase Junell 202 24 M TBD/6 00:00:00
- 0.000 ANDREW FUND 213 30 M TBD/6 00:00:00
- 0.000 donna Zephrine 214 47 F TBD/4 00:00:00
- 0.000 Diana Chin 228 36 F TBD/4 00:00:00

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