Navy SEAL LT Michael P Murphy Run Around the Lake Half  -  6/25/2022
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SCPD Class 184 (34 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (30 in division)
1 28:43.08 2300 Trevor Zvonik
2 29:05.09 808 Jason Perez
3 31:15.52 2197 James Daly
4 32:35.14 786 Brian Fischer
5 34:16.72 2134 Robert Rufrano
6 35:08.81 2768 Dan Catalina
7 36:34.54 771 John Hamilton
8 37:01.13 757 Mike Albano
9 37:23.38 2464 Ari Boundouris
10 37:40.57 2158 Jedidiah Giguere
11 37:45.09 2352 Christopher Case
12 40:55.39 1354 Nora Reade
13 41:21.12 2137 Frank Pannacchione
14 42:05.13 1362 Karianne Jamison
15 42:09.05 762 Kenneth Ickstadt
16 42:09.10 746 John Rowe
17 42:57.28 2138 Diego Montero
18 43:04.63 2168 SVEN ERIKSON
19 43:10.48 2435 Saim Mahmood
20 43:12.77 783 Adam Ritzer
21 47:49.29 769 Patrick Drummond
22 47:51.50 2765 Amber Hassett
23 48:58.81 720 Brian Flynn
24 49:01.03 770 SHAWN DEL ROSARIO
25 49:03.50 2342 Matt Giordano
26 49:03.65 2154 Patrick Fraccalvieri
27 53:01.87 59 Nicholas LaFrese
28 53:08.61 1360 Kellie Znaniecki
29 1:10:28.63 2440 Janet Fuentes
30 1:11:15.94 2402 Anthony Alfano
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (1 in division)
1 35:48.26 2424 Mackenzie Burns
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (2 in division)
1 35:01.58 2412 Daniel Elitharp
2 36:29.56 2726 Shaun Gillen
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 49:04.71 2468 Max Dolenk
106th Security Forces (31 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (23 in division)
1 36:38.57 1694 Kimberly Dishon
2 37:15.86 1661 rEBECCA mACKAY
3 37:23.50 561 Donald Mackay
4 38:28.54 1348 Victoria Moyer
5 42:10.64 619 Patrick White
6 44:50.63 1208 ruth Mackay
7 1:11:14.31 1684 Jennifer Hong
8 1:11:14.46 598 Brian Rattigan
9 1:11:14.97 833 Andres Velasquez
10 1:11:16.88 2140 Thomas D'Auria
11 1:11:16.94 600 Jacob Bitman
12 1:11:17.47 86 Paul Clementi
13 1:11:54.15 1259 David Gonzalez
14 1:11:54.79 1244 Jocelyn Maldonado
15 1:12:53.61 2477 marty viera
16 1:14:51.05 1727 Myron Yook
17 1:22:48.49 2204 Caroline Ciorciari
18 1:22:48.59 1381 NICHOLAS MEYER
19 1:26:09.44 1749 ELISHA RENDAL- SESTOSO
20 1:26:09.89 2320 Alana Flores
21 1:26:10.36 1370 KAITLYN POLLAN
22 1:26:21.68 713 Sal DiGiacomo
23 1:26:28.19 588 Nicholas Westcott
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (2 in division)
1 1:11:14.94 538 Lisha Terry
2 1:12:07.76 1535 Christina Noon
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (2 in division)
1 57:08.62 618 George Liandrakis
2 1:26:22.55 2722 Joshua Darcy
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (4 in division)
1 1:11:15.16 1994 Matthew Toderick
2 1:11:18.29 1939 vincent alfano
3 1:26:31.70 1893 Marc Rossi
4 11:05:30.10 2071 ZACHARY BARON
Selden Hills Warriors (27 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (6 in division)
1 29:17.41 218 Anthony Ricci
2 29:47.48 201 Kevin Gercke
3 30:32.76 2660 Dara mayola
4 59:32.69 324 Sarah D’Amore
5 1:00:42.55 1061 Christine snyder
6 1:05:38.19 2620 john macgregor
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (1 in division)
1 35:49.91 1382 Dawn Konopka
4 Mile Athena 160+ (1 in division)
1 1:01:10.37 1167 April De Persio
Half Marathon (19 in division)
1 1:43:52.97 1664 Ellissa Gravinese
2 1:46:53.65 577 Thomas Fisher
3 1:49:21.21 843 Michael Bauer
4 1:50:52.91 1663 Seada Abagaro
5 1:53:02.06 1468 Andrea Kantor
6 1:54:16.24 2515 Thomas Haddock
7 1:54:49.10 2113 John Genova
8 1:55:10.28 1583 Emily Prinzevalli
9 1:56:31.42 161 Thomas Tatarian
10 1:59:58.59 2366 Robert Esposito
11 2:02:01.45 2368 Meghan Messina
12 2:07:51.43 2561 Rich Sparacin
13 2:08:06.94 966 Rachel Dengel
14 2:08:52.02 160 vincent moran
15 2:13:22.00 1582 Robin Pinola
16 2:16:11.35 1696 Heidi Marchand
17 2:27:58.68 1459 Cassandra Chin
18 2:28:26.25 1096 Danielle Coysh
19 2:36:40.77 1088 Laurie Powers
Outer County Construction (25 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (19 in division)
1 28:59.51 1301 James Moore
2 34:26.98 737 Vinny Ungaro
3 35:30.07 2657 john forster
4 37:07.69 1497 Jennifer Spinks
5 37:08.65 1041 Jessica Ferran
6 37:18.07 1750 Sherri OHagan
7 37:21.34 457 Justin Bunton
8 40:22.95 1495 Marisa Perlongo
9 42:13.91 1692 Melissa Tourtoulis
10 44:55.92 917 Matthew Perlongo
11 44:56.68 1879 Edward Manly
12 45:35.09 1744 Krissy Ungaro
13 50:31.22 1514 Bobby Plante
14 58:03.30 1311 Jonathan Mitton
15 1:07:07.80 212 Jackie Plante
16 1:08:07.07 254 Christine Plante
17 1:08:08.33 2357 Vanessa Mitton
18 1:18:08.90 54 Kim Savino
19 1:18:10.42 55 Billy Savino
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (3 in division)
1 31:49.50 1500 Elizabeth Manly
2 53:15.25 1602 Donna Plante
3 1:18:05.20 712 Sharon Ruckdeschel
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (1 in division)
1 30:01.14 2416 Matt Krawczyk
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (2 in division)
1 1:06:22.12 2607 Michael Plante
2 1:18:06.48 57 Paul Ruckdeschel
OptiBrand (24 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (24 in division)
1 1:30:38.42 38 Jessica VandenPlast
2 1:30:45.91 535 Aaron Hamilton
3 1:30:46.05 1197 Tara Hamilton
4 1:30:46.44 2032 Lissa Tallman
5 1:31:36.42 1201 Maya Best
6 1:32:07.66 536 Belinda Guzman
7 1:32:38.41 1655 Nataly Lindo
8 1:32:39.53 739 Brody Fuller
9 1:32:40.70 1653 Lizeth Mendez
10 1:32:41.29 1284 Maria Ricci
11 1:32:46.89 1195 Theresa Shafron
12 1:32:52.57 1202 Sahar Elmi
13 1:32:58.86 1240 Sarvey Elmi
14 1:33:04.99 2100 Jennifer Garcia
15 1:33:06.96 2041 Alianna Alvarez
16 1:33:08.72 537 Ryan Fitzgerald
17 1:33:09.13 549 Alex Rodriguez
18 1:33:12.38 1196 Mathieu Blanchet
19 1:33:12.48 35 Dominick Cirigliano
20 1:33:14.17 551 Rob Recobs
21 1:33:20.83 1682 Maggie Mavrigiannakis
22 1:33:20.90 1657 Lawson Cady
23 1:33:41.37 1658 Alison Cady
24 0:00 635 Nick Madden
3VD (19 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (16 in division)
1 31:57.90 865 Michael Natale
2 33:28.99 1326 georgi spanos
3 33:31.84 1678 Michael Lampasona
4 33:33.17 896 Gregory Mallo
5 33:41.34 240 Frank Spanos
6 34:14.18 175 Michael DelPrete
7 35:27.78 1120 Kris Putnam
8 36:31.51 930 Alex Fischer
9 36:39.91 178 Sean Argyros
10 37:21.93 459 Dan Fain
11 37:30.74 901 Matt Niegocki
12 39:44.66 362 Daniel Hamou
13 39:48.41 2039 Lance Brunelle
14 44:58.21 496 mohit singh
15 54:06.25 2007 Mark Wuttke
16 54:47.88 483 Jeffrey Weissman
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (3 in division)
1 32:13.31 2404 Thomas O'Dwyer
2 44:10.45 1843 Stephen Uniszkiewicz
3 54:19.82 1428 Carmine Inserra
Bayport Crossfit (14 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (14 in division)
1 31:30.04 1273 Benjamin Beebe
2 35:40.28 2786 Jennifer Lipman
3 36:10.24 2787 Michael Lipman
4 36:35.06 2654 michael wikan
5 39:39.22 1409 Katy Beebe
6 41:05.52 2337 eric llanes
7 42:28.04 1519 Melissa Demetriou
8 42:28.47 956 George R Demetriou
9 46:12.93 1293 Wendy Framson
10 49:48.75 1516 LiSA DEMETRIOU
11 50:31.12 955 George Demetrioou
12 51:00.17 979 Jane Miglis
13 51:02.11 1203 Cathy Bandl
14 54:10.83 399 Gina Battelli
Team Setauket (13 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (12 in division)
1 30:02.74 752 Parker Mellott
2 33:03.64 627 John Day
3 34:54.05 1248 Andrew Bartusiak
4 35:30.69 730 Matt O'Hea
5 38:43.52 2664 Derek Pratt
6 38:45.27 732 Mickey Ericson
7 47:57.16 1361 Denise O'Hea
8 52:35.70 731 Brian O'Hea
9 59:12.59 2364 Taryn McGrann
10 59:14.11 2363 Jim McGrann
11 59:16.11 817 Russ Bailey
12 59:16.47 1421 Jean Bailey
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (1 in division)
1 33:05.28 614 Stephen Gross
Running on fumes (11 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (7 in division)
1 29:11.63 1513 Aileen Rosser
2 32:24.13 954 Kathy Wagner Vogel
3 32:35.30 963 Mark Pace
4 35:23.30 2509 Marc Berman
5 36:34.59 262 Christopher Butera
6 40:49.29 1499 Shannon Cary
7 49:55.34 1343 Rebecca Brodsky
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (1 in division)
1 32:10.64 2788 Jeremy Thomas
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 57:45.01 14 Sean Vogel
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 2:15:12.26 1351 Natalie Niemczyk
2 2:15:12.46 716 Thomas Niemczyk
Hooligans (10 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (4 in division)
1 32:50.55 2433 Joseph Tloczkowski
2 35:28.72 1452 Kristen Horn
3 44:22.77 116 Jolene McCarthy
4 54:43.98 2525 Amanda Strong
4 Mile Athena 160+ (1 in division)
1 1:18:36.23 1997 Tiffany Kehoe
Half Marathon (5 in division)
1 2:29:20.71 2501 danielle xuereb
2 2:32:35.41 310 Kenneth Rodriguez
3 2:35:39.93 904 David Eaton
4 2:39:07.89 147 Keri Hoyt
5 2:43:35.02 851 Donna Izzo
Craft Running Club (9 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (6 in division)
1 30:35.20 1162 Morgan Gambino
2 34:31.02 527 Riccardo Migliozzi
3 40:37.37 1160 Efe Tuncer
4 43:32.30 1161 Val Woods
5 44:01.05 508 Rebecca Weinisch
6 49:18.29 1158 Megan LaFrance
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 44:01.43 32 Kevin Weinisch
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 1:50:41.96 699 Michael Stayne
2 2:34:35.55 1174 Satyavardhan Gogineni
RDAC (9 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (8 in division)
1 23:53.44 722 Shane Terwilliger
2 25:13.78 680 Brendan Frawley
3 26:17.98 682 Zack Dresens
4 26:39.75 679 Greyson Sladic
5 26:51.06 681 Cole Dorsey
6 27:17.61 684 Sandro Mariani
7 29:02.61 723 Terrance Gardner
8 38:06.35 685 Johnny Stimola
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:15:13.76 1961 Tom Sherman
Worst Pace Senario (9 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (6 in division)
1 32:46.96 1981 Mike Hanley
2 40:25.37 1588 Lauryn Taormina
3 40:27.18 361 Stephen Fusco
4 43:53.67 408 James Hanley
5 43:56.84 2035 Robert Larkin
6 47:35.49 1085 Meghan Kerstiens
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (1 in division)
1 32:02.36 405 Matthew Hanley
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (2 in division)
1 45:02.41 1979 John Hanley
2 49:57.57 532 Billy Poerio
SCTA Running Club (8 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (7 in division)
1 34:27.98 1390 Joseph Papagni
2 35:21.81 1759 Lori Papagni
3 44:09.94 977 Charles Conti
4 44:11.38 1079 Heather Sager
5 55:06.47 266 Jennifer Conti
6 0:00 1783 Carolyn Roell
7 0:00 341 William Peter Roell
4 Mile Athena 160+ (1 in division)
1 42:20.54 1187 Genevieve Diller
NHP-Mineola (7 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (7 in division)
1 1:43:01.00 323 Joseph Bianco
2 1:49:56.34 1277 Andrew Garcia
3 1:59:43.96 2311 Gloria Coffey
4 2:09:28.53 1054 Kathryn Gaven
5 2:10:23.92 317 Andre Zalta
6 2:22:38.36 2102 Michael Stackpole
7 2:22:40.74 1969 Gary Woods
Home Depot (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (4 in division)
1 34:30.42 1623 Victoria Alegre
2 39:46.08 1631 Jenna Ryall
3 50:02.43 1338 Michael Costanzo
4 51:56.37 727 Christiane Quinn
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:12:28.19 269 Chris Holter
Lakeland Young Bucks (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (5 in division)
1 1:26:42.57 490 Ryan DiPrima
2 1:26:42.73 1245 James Coyne
3 1:26:46.47 743 Ryan Moore
4 1:26:48.98 742 Frankie Kelly
5 1:26:50.72 744 Vincent Marchese
Martino Physical Therapy (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 34:48.50 939 John Baio
2 45:03.53 1019 Justin Ruckdeschel
3 59:54.05 994 Jun Zhang
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (1 in division)
1 48:46.56 1555 Loren Ruckdeschel
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:25:55.28 1506 Mary Kroebel
Patriots (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (5 in division)
1 45:47.82 1964 Alec Mislin
2 49:53.03 397 Cathie Balbera
3 1:00:44.76 2626 codey collins
4 1:03:27.80 607 Richard Leuenroth
5 1:12:14.35 2645 Rosemary Leuenroth
Suffolk Sheriffs Running Club (5 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (5 in division)
1 32:56.18 1153 Colleen Thompson
2 41:02.38 2701 Kristin Jatko
3 45:10.23 1127 Brandy Amodio
4 50:22.20 1286 Sabrina Ivanditto
5 50:22.57 1699 Jeanine Young
Elitefeats (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 42:24.46 1965 Rich Woodford
2 50:26.74 2474 Jodi Clarin
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 1:30:29.29 861 Julian Franz
2 2:14:08.63 2467 JOHN VOGT III
Fit4mom-RunClub+ (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 47:44.09 438 maria stamatelatos
2 47:44.30 1427 Deanna Rittenhouse
3 47:45.69 519 Christina Johnston
4 Mile Athena 160+ (1 in division)
1 1:00:40.09 2353 SARAH KAHRS
NYPD Running Club (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 30:06.56 1113 Alfredo Linares
2 45:10.44 1904 Vincent Tieniber
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 1:59:02.16 450 Joseph Savino
2 2:15:14.90 1598 Sarah Davidson
TEAM BEACON (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (4 in division)
1 34:24.70 572 Jim Kelly
2 39:50.64 571 Adam Wernersbach
3 47:52.12 573 Thomas Yanotti
4 1:01:26.58 574 Kurt Wengart
Team Goose (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (4 in division)
1 1:41:56.90 1945 John Keaveny
2 1:49:58.25 356 Keith Gilligan
3 1:59:10.55 1795 Frank Blackstone
4 2:04:25.33 1942 Russell Morgan
Team MHAW (4 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (4 in division)
1 39:51.22 2513 Adriana McCrindle
2 40:11.02 1917 Vince Hand
3 1:03:33.85 1107 Nancy Tappin
4 1:03:34.51 398 Marcelle Leis
50 Miles for Murph (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (3 in division)
1 2:14:18.60 1312 Gregory Waxman
2 2:57:50.36 1282 Freddy Rodriguez
3 2:57:52.33 2512 Nelson Reyes
DeMartin Family (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 47:15.42 631 Alex DeMartin
2 47:49.45 1279 Rachel Krieger
3 50:21.21 1280 nick demartin
Duttons (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 45:10.85 2280 Callie Wortman
2 49:25.17 2281 Cole Dutton
3 54:21.03 2143 Jim Dutton
FDNY Running Club (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (3 in division)
1 1:46:08.04 548 Sean Chick
2 1:51:42.16 1885 William Rosinsky
3 1:51:43.64 150 Dylan Vidoli
Fumbling Family (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 45:49.30 613 Brian Curtin
2 45:50.01 2082 Ryan Curtin
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 43:03.92 724 Wilson Stephens
JoAnn L Lyles (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 55:25.14 2629 John Escalante
2 55:26.37 2630 Bryanna Escalante
3 1:16:55.26 1929 JoAnn Lyles
Team Freedom (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 57:07.82 277 Andrew Belanic
2 57:08.65 1896 Mauricio Belanic
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:18:47.54 1568 Princess Pitterson
Valor @ Liberty Mutual (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 33:03.35 2751 Gary Courtier
2 41:55.65 2700 Gabriella courtier
3 44:32.29 1255 Brittany Clerico
We’ve Got The Runs (3 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (3 in division)
1 37:17.49 141 Alyson Mallon
2 43:47.65 142 Peter Mallon
3 46:07.00 140 Elisabeth Mallon
BLACKHORSE 11 (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 54:46.05 470 CHRISTIAN SULTAN
2 1:13:06.36 1625 JILL SULTAN
Brigante Brigade (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 44:54.21 1578 Vincent Brigante
2 44:55.18 1577 Jessica Brigante
Cousin Crew (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 1:14:40.37 1006 Caryn Battaglia
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 1:14:40.98 68 Walter Gurzynski
Free Runs (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 1:37:12.68 1198 Brian Bennett
2 1:50:26.27 1205 Daniel Blumenauer
Hamlet Running Club (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 32:54.17 1373 Guy Lodico
2 38:18.91 827 John Siderias
Jitsu Strikers (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 37:45.97 693 Michael Musilli
2 51:23.63 53 John Creedon
Robert Albanese (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 39:08.56 2720 Janine Albanese
4 Mile Clydesdale 185-199 (1 in division)
1 39:08.51 2721 Robert Albanese
Running on Empty (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (2 in division)
1 1:50:41.25 1329 Michael Neftleberg
2 2:13:24.10 674 William Neftleberg
Scrambled Legs (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 40:03.65 342 Benjamin Norris
4 Mile Athena 145-159 (1 in division)
1 47:42.10 1021 Patrycja Wisniewski
Suffolk County Police (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 44:39.19 568 Juliana Koubek
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 52:08.87 40 Michael Koubek
Team Geneseo (2 team members)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (2 in division)
1 34:47.50 2445 Raymond Grasing
2 51:16.36 2446 Patrick Grasing
#TeamJake (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 1:02:35.00 1337 Danielle Weigand
Bay Shore Fire Department (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 1:58:33.32 358 Anthony Arcuri
Bay Shore Fire Department Running Club (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:14:03.40 257 Jack Tufarelli
FAHQ (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
4 Mile Clydesdale 200+ (1 in division)
1 40:41.80 2025 Matthew Torres
Hot Tubbin' Brunchers (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 39:08.96 187 Nicholas Comerford
Longstreet Inspirations (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:26:05.52 1887 Christopher longstreet
Martin Brown (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 37:08.94 2556 Martin Brown
Misty Mountain Runners (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 1:46:56.97 2262 James Chen
Pete Sabo (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 2:30:05.61 1787 Pete Sabo
Suffolk County Sheriffs Office/ESU (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
Half Marathon (1 in division)
1 1:47:28.50 604 Michael Doolan
Tapped (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 38:22.57 520 KEVIN BOWKER
Warriors (1 team member)
Place Time Bib# Name More
_4 Mile Open (1 in division)
1 55:18.77 149 Harry Mormon

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