Paul Limmer Invite - Mepham - 4/8/2023
Overall Results

PLNameLNYR TeamWindTime
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles r1 h1
1 Jordon Quinn 3  Freeport  15.21
2 Aaron Beale 2  Amityville Memorial  17.49
3 Maximo Chiodi 5  Wellington C. Mepham  17.70
4 Payton Buchanan 4  St. Francis Prep  19.32
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles r1 h2
1 Ryan Merle 3  West Hempstead  18.35
2 Matthew Manno 5  Wellington C. Mepham  18.40
3 Rohan Monragh 4  Bay Shore  19.83
4 John Brennan 2  Bay Shore  22.20
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles r1 h3
1 Glen Person III 3  Freeport  18.74
2 Kristian Hernandez 2  Freeport  20.42
3 Julian Melendez 4  St. Francis Prep  20.98
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles r1 h4
1 Riley Leddick 3  West Hempstead  20.64
2 Eric Darby 4  Bay Shore  22.82
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Combined Heats
1Jordon Quinn3 Freeport15.21
2Aaron Beale2 Amityville Memorial17.49
3Maximo Chiodi5 Wellington C. Mepham17.70
4Ryan Merle3 West Hempstead18.35
5Matthew Manno5 Wellington C. Mepham18.40
6Glen Person III3 Freeport18.74
7Payton Buchanan4 St. Francis Prep19.32
8Rohan Monragh4 Bay Shore19.83
9Kristian Hernandez2 Freeport20.42
10Riley Leddick3 West Hempstead20.64
11Julian Melendez4 St. Francis Prep20.98
12John Brennan2 Bay Shore22.20
13Eric Darby4 Bay Shore22.82

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