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Start posting results on 7/18 - 7/26. LATE REGISTRANTS (after 7/17) Please allow up to 24 hours to post results.
Virtual 10M
PlaceNameBib#AgeGender PlaceTimePace
1 Ryan Pritchard 32938 M 1/222 00:58:03 00:05:48
2 Will Peters 63722 M 2/222 00:59:40 00:05:58
3 nichlas Strain 136219 M 3/222 01:00:00 00:06:00
4 Jessica Colombo 112024 F 1/198 01:00:25 00:06:02
5 Gene Bryant 57646 M 4/222 01:01:26 00:06:08
6 Raj Hathiramani 39834 M 5/222 01:02:34 00:06:15
7 Mary Dean 71935 F 2/198 01:03:00 00:06:18
8 Sergei Khorunzhy 114548 M 6/222 01:04:03 00:06:24
9 tatiana dorochina 114444 F 3/198 01:04:06 00:06:24
10 Amanda Kraczkowsky 58530 F 4/198 01:04:42 00:06:28
11 Mary Aull 57456 F 5/198 01:05:00 00:06:30
12 Jonathan Meythaler Falcones 113924 M 7/222 01:07:23 00:06:44
13 David Saalfrank 72458 M 8/222 01:08:55 00:06:53
14 Brendan Martin 56531 M 9/222 01:09:07 00:06:54
15 Hugo NiƱo 235039 M 10/222 01:10:00 00:07:00
16 Joshua Montoya 56327 M 11/222 01:11:00 00:07:06
17 Guilherme Queiroz 201341 M 12/222 01:11:13 00:07:07
18 Ben Goodwin 12626 M 13/222 01:12:01 00:07:12
19 David Law 147732 M 14/222 01:12:16 00:07:13
20 Marcos Perez 168133 M 15/222 01:12:54 00:07:17
21 Alastair Malkin 249145 M 16/222 01:13:13 00:07:19
22 Carlos Aguilar 346546 M 17/222 01:13:15 00:07:19
23 Lauryn Heskin 112716 F 6/198 01:14:17 00:07:25
24 brian walsh 62849 M 18/222 01:14:20 00:07:26
25 Ryan Quick 534 M 19/222 01:14:25 00:07:26
26 Renato Yamaguro 224045 M 20/222 01:14:30 00:07:27
27 Sam Weber 59221 M 21/222 01:14:33 00:07:27
28 Melissa Novak 103639 F 7/198 01:14:38 00:07:27
29 Matthew Chimenti-Carmen 148023 M 22/222 01:14:45 00:07:28
30 Colt Collins 31745 M 23/222 01:15:11 00:07:31
31 Brian Wrotniak 75350 M 24/222 01:16:30 00:07:39
32 David Lane 305651 M 25/222 01:17:35 00:07:45
33 Jeff Amell 85759 M 26/222 01:17:44 00:07:46
34 Kai Braden 136732 M 27/222 01:18:17 00:07:49
35 Alex Fassin 245545 M 28/222 01:18:35 00:07:51
36 Albert Tirado 106032 M 29/222 01:18:36 00:07:51
37 Randy Bosler 118541 M 30/222 01:19:02 00:07:54
38 James Roberts 214042 M 31/222 01:19:10 00:07:55
39 Pawe Labisko 262340 M 32/222 01:19:17 00:07:55
40 Tom Bos 77952 M 33/222 01:19:26 00:07:56
41 Marcos Bussab 203046 M 34/222 01:19:47 00:07:58
42 Tommy Payne 208235 M 35/222 01:19:48 00:07:58
43 Amgalan Soyolsuren 261244 M 36/222 01:19:55 00:07:59
44 Cristian Sinchi 39017 M 37/222 01:19:55 00:07:59
45 Daniel Sinchi 39115 M 38/222 01:19:55 00:07:59
46 David Honick 140536 M 39/222 01:20:05 00:08:00
47 Michael Haack 239639 M 40/222 01:20:16 00:08:01
48 Todd Tippets 312750 M 41/222 01:20:25 00:08:02
49 Mark Jurgens 133747 M 42/222 01:20:25 00:08:02
50 Stefan Irion 12244 M 43/222 01:20:38 00:08:03

13 total pages

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