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Posting opens 6/5 at 9AM EST. Just registered? Allow up to 24 hours to post.
Virtual 13K Run/Walk
PlaceNameBib#AgeGender PlaceTimePace
1 Jessica Walton 12437 F 1/13 00:27:42 00:03:25
2 Toby Terwilliger 401731 M 1/3 00:59:31 00:07:22
3 Laura Lande 3352 F 2/13 01:07:16 00:08:19
4 Nadrat Siddique 17652 F 3/13 01:12:41 00:08:59
5 Emily Emery 400839 F 4/13 01:13:39 00:09:07
6 Matt Galeza 7740 M 2/3 01:14:52 00:09:16
7 Michelle Quillen 412740 F 5/13 01:18:25 00:09:42
8 Lianne Martin 406839 F 6/13 01:21:00 00:10:01
9 Lia Petrozziello 635 F 7/13 01:22:37 00:10:13
10 Chloe Rohl 22120 F 8/13 01:24:36 00:10:28
11 Alicia Frank 20435 F 9/13 01:42:09 00:12:38
12 Leah Limacher 400139 F 10/13 01:43:58 00:12:52
13 Katherine Lindner 17731 F 11/13 01:51:06 00:13:45
14 Winnetto Martin 411442 F 12/13 01:54:48 00:14:12
15 Todd Quinn 424650 M 3/3 02:07:14 00:15:45
16 Tammi Lewis 14953 F 13/13 02:24:07 00:17:50
TBD Angelica Aguilar 410743 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Arthur Allen 3928 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD David Blome 406538 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Tricia Constandine 12538 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Jordan Daniel 5233 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Marina Douenat 408850 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Ashley Hernandez 405934 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Nicol Hodges 18750 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Jaime Lawson 403139 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Gregory Lemon 412934 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Laura Markley 16440 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Eleni Patterson 7436 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Emily Restivo 400337 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Ashley Roane 407934 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Heather Shields 410042 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Aaron Simpson 424739 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Shannon Suther 19634 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Dawn Tol 20852 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Cassandra Wada 414531 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Jared Wasserman 1531 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Gregory Woods 12660 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Mali Woods 400239 F INC/0 0:00INC

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