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Posting opens 4/17 at 9AM EST. Just registered? Allow up to 24 hours to post.
Virtual 5K
PlaceNameBib#AgeGender PlaceTimePace
1 Jason Kidd 2740 M 1/16 00:19:11 00:06:10
2 Michael Scott 435 M 2/16 00:20:49 00:06:42
3 Austin Derbique 3825 M 3/16 00:23:46 00:07:38
4 Ricardo Amarilla 4732 M 4/16 00:24:15 00:07:48
5 Jason Johnson 4233 M 5/16 00:24:42 00:07:57
6 Bansari Ranpura 2528 F 1/10 00:25:00 00:08:02
7 Joe Miklos 3937 M 6/16 00:25:12 00:08:06
8 Emily Luehrs 836 F 2/10 00:25:46 00:08:17
9 Shawn McCurry 2938 M 7/16 00:26:36 00:08:33
10 Wendell Borges 4446 M 8/16 00:29:14 00:09:24
11 Darren Skeldon 1834 M 9/16 00:31:41 00:10:11
12 Anthony Baer 957 M 10/16 00:35:58 00:11:34
13 dhiraj Garg 4140 M 11/16 00:36:41 00:11:48
14 saksham garg 4012 M 12/16 00:36:42 00:11:48
15 Ove Heigre 347 M 13/16 00:37:18 00:12:00
16 Helen Ortel 311 F 3/10 00:40:58 00:13:11
17 Amrita Chatterjee 536 F 4/10 00:41:00 00:13:11
18 Beth Lyons 1955 F 5/10 00:46:00 00:14:48
19 Alicia Geaneas 2638 F 6/10 00:47:06 00:15:09
20 Sachin Ahire 2251 M 14/16 00:47:48 00:15:23
21 Suzy Verdin 1439 F 7/10 00:48:57 00:15:45
22 Kimberly Ness 2039 F 8/10 00:52:48 00:16:59
23 Emma Scott 3332 F 9/10 00:54:00 00:17:22
24 Amor Talampas 1149 F 10/10 01:05:51 00:21:11
25 Francis Potter 754 M 15/16 01:05:51 00:21:11
26 Douglas Miller 3752 M 16/16 01:29:13 00:28:42
TBD Kira Aubrey 3033 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Matthew Beadle 2328 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Leslie Blanchard 234 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Roberta Adriana de Souza 4542 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Ervin Ebalo 3239 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Rich Hancock 4852 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Julia Hill-Wright 1532 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Kyle Holmes 2138 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Robert Hyry 2457 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Taylor Medlin 1027 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Nikki Mehta 643 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Derrick Moreno 1354 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Marcus Mosttler 4346 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Lillie Phillips 3427 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Andy Rich 2830 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Michael Sellers 1647 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Danae Villarreal 1231 F INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Rick Walker 4638 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Chase White 3629 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD TIto White 3518 M INC/0 0:00INC
TBD Adi Wolff 1739 F INC/0 0:00INC

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