NSRF Summer Miles Challenge - 6/21/2023
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#1012 Vicky Hardwick
City: Pearl River
State: NY
Age/Gender: 49/F
Division: Bike
Athlete's other races: Search
Place:  14
Tot Dist: 232.15
Goal: 1000 (23.2%)
Total Time: 13:10:10
Avg Daily Miles: 2.44
Avg Pace: 17.63 MPH
Gender Place: 6 of 7 (85.71%)
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Date Distance Time Pace Dist.
06/21/2023 5.82 00:20:00 17.46 MPH 339 163
06/21/2023 2.98 00:10:00 17.88 MPH 357 150
06/23/2023 5.76 00:20:00 17.28 MPH 340 171
06/28/2023 8.99 00:30:00 17.98 MPH 312 148
06/28/2023 1.29 00:00:05 928.80 MPH 366 2
06/29/2023 8.6 00:30:00 17.20 MPH 322 172
06/29/2023 1.54 00:00:05 1108.80 MPH 362 1
07/04/2023 13.15 00:45:00 17.53 MPH 236 160
07/05/2023 11.44 00:40:00 17.16 MPH 279 174
07/07/2023 12.69 00:45:00 16.92 MPH 246 183
07/15/2023 8.87 00:30:00 17.74 MPH 314 154
07/16/2023 8.69 00:30:00 17.38 MPH 319 166
07/29/2023 5.72 00:20:00 17.16 MPH 341 174
08/01/2023 8.79 00:30:00 17.58 MPH 316 158
08/04/2023 9.2 00:30:00 18.40 MPH 309 139
08/04/2023 1.27 00:05:00 15.24 MPH 367 234
08/09/2023 8.78 00:30:00 17.56 MPH 317 159
08/11/2023 8.18 00:30:00 16.36 MPH 325 199
08/25/2023 8.81 00:30:00 17.62 MPH 315 157
08/25/2023 1.26 00:05:00 15.12 MPH 368 239
08/27/2023 1.46 00:05:00 17.52 MPH 364 161
08/27/2023 9.42 00:30:00 18.84 MPH 306 129
08/29/2023 5.29 00:20:00 15.87 MPH 348 213
09/03/2023 8.65 00:30:00 17.30 MPH 320 170
09/05/2023 5.76 00:20:00 17.28 MPH 340 171
09/05/2023 2.89 00:10:00 17.34 MPH 358 167
09/06/2023 4.36 00:15:00 17.44 MPH 351 164
09/07/2023 5.58 00:20:00 16.74 MPH 343 188
09/09/2023 5.83 00:20:00 17.49 MPH 338 162
09/10/2023 9.01 00:30:00 18.02 MPH 310 146
09/10/2023 1.43 00:05:00 17.16 MPH 365 174
09/15/2023 5.92 00:20:00 17.76 MPH 337 153
09/16/2023 1.47 00:05:00 17.64 MPH 363 156
09/16/2023 9 00:30:00 18.00 MPH 311 147
09/17/2023 12.98 00:45:00 17.31 MPH 241 169
09/17/2023 1.27 00:05:00 15.24 MPH 367 234

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